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Consultation Clinic - Ennis Town Centre Public Realm Regeneration

10 January 2020

Closed for submissions
Submission deadline: Tuesday January 14, 2020

In respect of the O’Connell Square, High St, Barrack Square and Old Barrack St Project B

Public Realm Regeneration

Clare County Council would like to inform you that the Urban Design Team has reviewed all your comments in relation to the last consultation clinic and applied these where possible.

A Stakeholders’ Consultation Clinic will be held on:
Tuesday the 14th of January between 5.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. 
The Civic Offices, Drumbiggle Road, Ennis, Co Clare
to review these changes.

This will be the last opportunity to review these, share your ideas and raise any concerns before submission of this project for Part 8 planning

Closing Date

Tuesday January 14, 2020

Page last updated: 10/01/20

Content managed by: Roads, Environment and Water Services Department

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